Maxi Mounds
Maxi Mounds - Pornstar
Maxi Mounds Female , 59 Years
8,267 Rank
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Maxi Mounds is an American model stripper and pornographic actress who was born Jenna Curlington on October 25 1964 in Long Island New York She rose to prominence as a result of her massive breast implants Each of her breasts weighs 9 kg according to her official website and she is listed as the person with the world's largest fake breasts by Guinness World Records - World Records Guinness Maxi Mounds is the woman with the world's largest fake breasts according to Guinness World Records Maxi Mounds set this record in 2003 but the category did not yet exist so she enlisted the help of an organization to certify it after which she received the official certificate of record holder - Links to other sites Official website in English Internet Movie Database is a video resource Portal for Pornography in the United States of America

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